Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Oplatki. . . a Polish/Slovak Christmas Tradition

On the Third Sunday of Advent (Gaudete Sunday) we distributed Oplatki to each family in our parish. A part of the Polish/Slovak family Christmas Tradition is the breaking the Christmas Wafer (Oplatek in Polish pronounced oh-pwah-tek) during the Christmas Eve Vigil Feast of Wigilia, the holiest of all the nights of the year in the Polish home, as their ancestors before them have done during the Christmas Celebration uniting the past with the present….heaven with earth.

The Sacred white wafer, much like those used for Holy Communion (unleavened wafers baked from pure wheat flour and water), are shared with each person present. The wafers are embossed with elegant Christmas related religious images. Family members and friends break off a piece of oplatek and give it to one another to eat. During the exchange best wishes and blessings are expressed as well as forgiveness. The breaking and exchanging part of oplatek is intended to remind participants of the importance of Christmas, God, and family. This is the most emotional time of the holiday for the Polish family – the sharing expression of love and forgiveness in celebration and tradition.

The Vigil revolves around the importance of the Christmas Wafer. It literally unites family wherever they are on the Earth. Christmas Wafers have been mailed to each other during the holy season to solidify family unity. Send a package of oplatki to a loved one today to continue sharing this yearly ritual and rich heritage.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation

Remaining times for individual confessions during the Advent season are as follows:

Saturday, December 19, from 4:15 - 5:00

Monday, December 21, from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m.