Lisa Cosenza, Linda Macios, Dave Fadden, Jeff Rawding, Paul Haley, Steve Lucid, Mike Wilkey, Greg Lucid, Caitie MacCourtney, John Van Lenten, Mary Dougherty, Evan LaPointe, Kevin Macios, Matt Goldsmith, Liz Fiori, Art Flinn, Caitlin Reilly, Janeen Burke, Art Flinn Sr., Pat McGeary, Brenda LaPointe, John Brigida, Brian Rawding, Claire Lavelle, Jay Zenker, Lee Klocksin, Robert Rohr, Pat Mota, Pat Prime, Alex Bourland, Allison Langenol, Betsy Boehler, Bobby Khoury, Will Rohr, Bridget Byrne, Catherine Macios, Caitie Mota, Chris Billak, Chris Kuchera, Christina Gonzalez, Victoria Keiser, Claire Long, Colleen Crann, Courtney Downes, Deirdre Esposito, Erin O'Neill, Grace DeNoon, Jack Klocksin, Jamie Leanza, Tommy Pagano, Jenna Clemente, Katherine Bonkowski, Katie Flachsenhaar, Kendall Sarson, Kerry Prime, Kevin Rawding, Leah Wilkey, Taylor Riordan, Megan O'Keeffe, Megan Wilkey, Meghan Gilfillan, Michael Connor, Michael Longo, Paige Weller, Shannon Sweeney, and Lauren Esposito
May God go with you to keep you safe and bring some Good News to those who are less fortunate. May God Bless you, keep watch over you, and make your story a great big success story that you will remember for the rest of your life.
– Father Martin